1.1. The Art of Communication: What is Rhetoric?
1.2. Types of Speech: Persuasive, Informative, Motivational.
1.3. Building a Speech Structure: Beginning, Main Part, Ending.
1.4. Techniques for Holding the Audience’s Attention.
2.1. Working with the Voice: Expressiveness, Power, Timbre.
2.2. Managing Tempo and Intonation.
2.3. Articulation and Diction: Exercises for Clear Speech.
2.4. Methods for Dealing with Performance Anxiety and Fear.
3.1. Preparing for Presentations: From Idea to Delivery.
3.2. Improvisation: How to Speak Confidently Without Preparation.
3.3. Using Non-verbal Communication: Gestures, Facial Expressions, Posture.
3.4. Mistakes in public speaking and how to avoid them.
4.1. Rules of Effective Business Communication.
4.2. Etiquette of Telephone Conversations and Business Correspondence.
4.3. Features of Video Conferencing: Subtleties of Online Etiquette.
4.4. Formation of a Professional Image through Communication.
5.1. Dress Code and Presentable Appearance.
5.2. Etiquette of Business Meetings, Conferences, and Negotiations.
5.3. Fundamentals of Subordination and Respectful Interaction in a Team.
5.4. Behavior in Conflict Situations: Constructive Communication.
6.1. Intercultural Differences: How to Avoid Misunderstandings.
6.2. Etiquette of Communication with Partners from Different Countries.
6.3. Rules of Business Etiquette on Foreign Trips.
6.4. Features of Gifts and Tokens of Attention in an International Environment.
7.1. Basics of Behavior at Business Lunches and Dinners.
7.2. Using Cutlery and Setting the Table.
7.3. Topics for Conversation at the Table: What is Acceptable and What is Not.
7.4. Confidence in an Informal Business Setting.
8.1. The Art of Persuasion: How to Defend Your Point of View.
8.2. Methods of Negotiating with Opponents.
8.3. Active Listening and Questioning Techniques.
8.4. Practical Debates: Reinforcing Skills.